African cuisine is unique to each  specific area   but at the same time it is typical, as we all eat most of the basically the same dishes, however the difference is in the preparation and what that particular dish is accompanied with. For example, some Liberians would  cook the bitter-leaf stew without Egusi and eat it with rice, however for Nigerians Egusi is a key component of their dishes and this dish cannot be served without  it; also rice  would not accompanied. It would served with Eba, Fufu or Pounded Yam. 

The aim of my blog is educate our kids who did not grow up in the authentic African setting to appreciate our dishes and if they want learn to make it – then to provide a media for them to do so. Most of the dishes I will be showing is West African in nature because that is where I am from, however  I intend to showcase other  African dishes as well. 

Meals in most parts of Africa are taken in a communal setting with a small groups of people gathered around a dish and most meals like this are enjoyed with people eating with their hands. The premise of this blog Under the Coconut Tree  is to create that communal feeling of sharing meals together with family members under the coconut tree.

Welcome to my blog!! 
Welcome to Under the Coconut Tree